Pellet and bio-briquette 
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Wood pellet



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Wood pellets are a highly compressed standardised product made from sawdust, normally without other additives.
Their advantages are:
• they are a consistent fuel with low moisture content which can be easily handled in automated systems;
• bulk density is around 4 times that of wood chip, requiring less storage room making them more convenient at a domestic scale. In other countries bags of pellets are commonly sold on filling station forecourts.
Their disadvantages are:
• supplies of locally made wood pellets are hard to find in the EU, most are imported at present;
• they take energy to make and are often transported long distances, reducing the environmental benefits of using a wood fuel;
• they are expensive, around twice the price of wood chip.

For the CARBOROBOT boilers the wood pellet is essential biofuel.


The term pelletting means the compressing of agricultural and forestry materials. Pellets are compressed products manufactured on circular cell roller presses, ranging from 6 to 20 millimetres in size. More condensed pellets used for heating range from 6 and 12 millimetres in size.
Important to ensure that wood and agri-pellet not handled too roughly as they can disintegrate into (saw) dust.

Pellet and briquett plant Green Dragon England

Ring press with pellet

Ring press






The pelletting process (animation)









The briquette pressing. (video)

Rapeseed briquette (England)
Straw briquette